Diario di un canalone (Leuca15…for italians only)


15 cose che inevitabilmente succedono quando abiti al canalone – breve rassegna per avidi ascoltatori di sciocchezze

  1. tutto quello che non serve finisce nel canalone, anche la differenziata di Alli11909790_10207466266995534_1311311199_n
  2. c’ e’ uno scaffale x le creme abbronzanti, a cui è stato aggiunto olio di tonno (papa è nerissimo) 11909865_10207454579863363_53647000_n
  3. il canalone viene occasionalmente abbandonato per raggiungere spiagge oltre le colonne d’Ercole del compasso papesco, e Hic sunt leones (et scoglis). 
  4. si cede all’ irrefrenabile desiderio di visitare i trulli di alberobello, deviando di 200 km dal tragitto stabilito 11911836_10207454665785511_1729764599_n-2
  5. quando si aprono gli sportelli della dispensa, dentro ci trovi Re Tritone 11868669_10207466339317342_1118096206_n
  6. quando ci si vuole appoggiare alla spalla di qualcuno si scivola rovinosamente per mancanza di superficie
  7. si dichiara volontà di fare puntatine ad Alghero, a patto che la propria madre non ne venga al corrente 
  8. si rockeggia da soli perduti tra i fumi dell alcol per festeggiare la fine dell antibiotico e si viene definiti “uomo per tutte le occasioni stile TARALLO”
  9. si presenzia al salotto della Presicce bene sotto mentite spoglie US 11868884_10207454599303849_1934973814_n
  10. durante la serata si regolano le valvole sulle schiene delle donne del canalone. Quella della Linda si è rotta mentre era impostata a livello 10. 
  11. gli uomini del canalone smarriscono la componente femminile per imbastire serate danbilzeriane con un numero di escort tendente a + infinito, tanto da “non riuscire a passare” 
  12. Si manifesta avversione per i cibi piccanti, croccanti, fumanti, che hanno un sapore o proiettano ombra
  13. e’ stata stabilita da un team di esperti una rigida RDA giornaliera di taralli con salsine che deve essere assunta da tutti dagli abitanti di via Forli, la quale è stata triplicata per il dottor M. 11907994_10207454580823387_579470387_n
  14. se una canzone non è remixata da gabri ponte non la si ascolta, e per aumentare la tauranza, ricopriamoci di Bohotats come se non ci fosse un domani 
  15. c è chi impara a metter su un caffè e a lavare pentole e c è chi impara a essere social.

Ecco cio’ che resta di una vacanza in un canalone…

Come direbbe la Megi “Grazie Bellezze” (e grazie Eli per questo diario!!)

TBT summer 2012…youth and happiness


I’ve been waiting for these pictures for almost 3 years and I finally got them! Me and my friends look a little younger and definitely happy and smiling…I guess we didn’t have many worries during college lol

The place we took them is Mirabeach, the waterpark inside Mirabilandia, one of the most famous amusement park in Italy, located in Ravenna.
Now I obviously want summer to come as soon as possible, hopefully it will bring the same spirit  as 3 years ago!
xoxo Linda

Milan nightlife!

Yesterday night we went out for dinner in order to celebrate one of my best friends’ birthday. The restaurant we chose is ”Drogheria Milanese” and it is located in one of my favorites areas in Milan, ”Colonne di S. Lorenzo”, which is near downtown and really cool on Friday and Saturday night. It’s quite small but it’s cozy and the ambience is really nice. They offer a wide menu of ”tapas” that you can share with friends and the food is seriously delicious! The portions were not too big regarding the appetizers but the main courses were definitely enough. Of course we couldn’t skip desserts, and I am glad we didn’t! Prices really depend on what you order, but usually main courses are around 13 to 18 euros and appetizers around 6\7 euros each, which is not bad at all.

After that, we were thinking of a place to chill and get a glass of wine while waiting for midnight to celebrate. We decided for ”Le biciclette”, that means bicycles in italian and of course bicycles are all around the place, making it quite alternative and cool. If you want to drink something different than wine or beer, they have really good fruit shakes that we actually opted for after all we ate.

I am really glad I found out about these two places and I hardly raccomend them to whoever happens to be in milan and wants to have a good nigh out! These are the links in case you want to check it out 🙂



To end this post I have to wish again a very happy birthday to my Coco!



ShanghaiCafe’, Milan


I know it’s already New Year’s Eve but I have been sick during the past few days and I wanted to talk about my Christmas celebration that started already on the 23th of December! Me and my friends always go to the Shanghai Restaurant in Milan. The event is simple but so much fun: lots of tables for groups of friends, food is really good and wine is served non-stop! After dinner they put music on and the place becomes a sort of club. It’s an occasion to meet new people and have fun before the classic Christmas family style begins.

Here is the link of the restaurant if you want more info:


I always end up loving this night and I recommend this restaurant to whoever happens to be in Milan, mostly if you are in a group with a lot of people. I am sure you will have an amazing time and will not regret it! It’s a different way to celebrate Christmas and the staff of the restaurant make every year an amazing job for this night.
By the way if you like my jumpsuit, I found it at Zara when I was still in Nancy, thanks to the best personal shoppers ever Gabriele and Riccardo!
Happy New Year!

New Tattoo with my Nancy girl

I finally got to spend some time in my hometown with my bestie from Nancy! It was supposed to be the 3 of us finally back together but Giulia got sick and did not leave Milan :(.

Anyway I got a new tattoo! Giulia was going to get the same one but I guess she will have to wait until next time for that. The place we went is in Castelfranco Emilia and it’s called Neko Tattoo. The guy is awesome and I totally recommend him…here is its FB page:


Later on I took Gloria to the city centre of Modena and I am proud to finally show a few shots of my town. She got to see the Dome with its tower (Duomo e Ghirlandina), our big plaza, the historic Military Academy, located in the Palazzo Ducale and then we met with some friends for an Happy hour  in italian style.

Today I also got another late Christmas present from my brother and I immediately fell in love with it!

xo, Linda